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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): What Should I Do?

Mar 30,2020 by Kam Kaj Writer Leave a Comment

Coronavirus disease has been declared a global pandemic by WHO. Right now, it has spread to some 200 countries. We have more than half a million cases from all over the world. Some 25,000 people have died from coronavirus disease while some 128 thousand patients have recovered. As we are about to enter April, this pandemic doesn't seem to take a break.

          But there's only one question that concerns you: What should I do? Well, Kam Kaj will inform you how to successfully prevent getting infected with coronavirus disease. In the light of WHO's recommendations and doctors' instructions, here are some fascinating information for everyone. Kam Kaj hopes our customers will find this information useful.

How To Prevent Coronavirus Disease?

Coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses called corona because their structure resembles that of a crown. That's why scientists decided to give it a Latin name. It's a zoonotic disease which means humans get it from animals. It's also contagious so humans can transmit to to other humans. Let's get to know 2019 novel coronavirus.

Previous coronaviruses outbreaks included SARS (spread by cats) and MERS (spread by camels). We're not sure exactly which animal/s caused the Wuhan outbreak but we have our doubts on bat and mangolin. The virus we are dealing with is SARS-CoV-2 because it has genetic similarities to SARS-CoV. Abbreviation for coronavirus disease is COVID-19.


This virus needs a human host to survive. It can't thrive outside a human body. You receive coronavirus disease when you come into contact with an infected person by

  • shaking his hand
  • being in the same area where he's coughed or sneezed
  • touching any object he has touched but not sanitized

There's an incubation period for every virus. It's the time virus takes to multiply and start affecting you. Coronavirus disease takes 1 to 14 days to make you sick. You should put yourself in quarantine and ask for medical help if you express symptoms such as

  • fever (88% patients)
  • dry cough (68% patients)
  • fatigue (38% patients)
  • coughing up phlegm (33% patients)
  • shortness of breath (19% patients)

Other symptoms include pain in your joints, having a sore throat, headache, vomiting, diarrhea and even coughing up blood. Elders are in more danger if they fall prey to coronavirus disease because of their weak immune system. If a person has sort of chronic ailment, he also needs to be very careful about coronavirus disease. For example. asthmatic, diabetic or heart patients are required to very extra cautious about this global pandemic.


You can take some very simple measures if you don't want to fall victim of coronavirus disease. You must

  • not touch you ears, eyes, nose or mouth if you haven't washed your hands yet
  • wash your hands with soap, hand wash, sanitizer or any alcohol-based hand rub
  • cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue paper
  • throw that tissue away in waste bucket
  • isolate yourself from the society by staying home and only going outside for essential needs
  • if you show symptoms of coronavirus disease, stay almost 6 feet away from people including your own family members
  • don't touch any object without washing your hands otherwise you have to clean it with a disinfectant


No vaccine is available right now to treat coronavirus disease. The fatality rate is 4.5% all over the world. But it varies with countries. Kam Kaj doesn't pay any attention to rumors, fake news or scientifically inaccurate remedies. But we will surely inform you what medicines the world has tried to treat coronavirus disease.

In an article published in the bi-weekly medical journal Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, there was a list of four medicines that were used by the Chinese government to treat coronavirus patients. It should be interesting for our readers to learn about these chemicals.

(1) Lopinavir and Ritonavir:

          These are protease inhibitors. They target COVID-19's protein structure. Their side effects include diarrhea.

(2) Ribavirin:

          This is an antiviral prescription. It is normally used to cure hepatitis C. Chinese doctors have tried to treat coronavirus disease by giving patients doses of ribavirin with antibiotics.

(3) Chloroquine:

          This is used to treat lupus and arthritis. It is an antimalarial agent. Recently, some European countries have also sanctioned the usage of this medicine to fight COVID-19.

(4) Arbidol:

          Russians and Chinese are known to use arbidol to cure influenza. It has also been given to pneumonia patients. Its other name is Umifenovir.

Kam Kaj Helps During Coronavirus Pandemic

We here at Kam Kaj request all Pakistanis to follow the government instructions and stay home. You have to stay away from this disease if you care about your family, friends and nation. Remember, even if you think your immune system is strong enough to fight COVID-19, you can transmit it to some weak person. If you live with your parents or grandparents, you must keep be super cautious.

The Team Kam Kaj wants all people to listen to doctors. Doctors have advised coronavirus patients to:

  • spend most time resting so your body can utilize its energy fighting coronavirus disease
  • keep their bodies warm
  • drink plenty of water, juice and other liquid

This is the time where we have to stand united as a nation. Kam Kaj offers its customers it best services to help them prevent coronavirus disease.

Our Services

If you need to have your generation repaired or have a CCTV camera installed at your home, you can count on our guys. From UPS installation to carpet cleaning, our experienced workers can always be trusted. You geysers and washing machines can be repaired just at by a single email.

To fight coronavirus pandemic, Kam Kaj brings you efficient, reliable and up-to-date fumigation and cleaning services. We use EPA-recommended chemicals to prevent this deadly disease. If you are having problems with your house's wiring or if you are in dire need for a plumber, don't hesitate to get help. We are proud to serve our valued customers.


Stay home, stay safe and stay in touch with Kam Kaj!

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